Parents often wonder how our school differs from public or private school options
At Tampa Day School, students are presented with standards-based, grade-level curriculum materials consistent with those found in traditional schools; however, the pacing and delivery of the materials more closely match their individual learning styles. We believe all students can be successful with the right curriculum and support, small class sizes, and opportunities for choice in their learning. Our approach is founded on five decades of experience and expertise in successfully teaching students who learn differently.
HOW Tampa Day School’s Curriculum Differs:
Maximum of 12 students per class
Highly informative assessment data is used to drive instructional goals
Lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of every student
Large assignments and instructional units are broken down into “doable” steps
All projects are completed on campus to engage students in the process as well as the end product
Students demonstrate mastery of content through a variety of traditional and non-traditional assessments
Structures for maximizing student engagement are incorporated into activities
A high level of explicit instruction and modeling is utilized – “I do, we do, you do”
Enthusiastic classroom discussions and interactions happen regularly
Relevant hands-on learning activities are part of the daily experience
Embedded opportunitites for students to demonstrate strengths & experience success on a daily basis
Daily homework lab on campus avoids homework hassles at home