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Morbi egestas ultricies est. Proin eu odio nibh. Praesent venenatis mi vitae pharetra porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed dolor pulvinar, dapibus augue non, tincidunt nibh. Curabitur et elit commodo, dictum diam sed, dapibus enim. Integer et pulvinar leo, condimentum maximus diam. Phasellus imperdiet urna in tortor vestibulum porta eget ac metus.

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Why Do Families Choose Tampa Day School?

Learning Strategies

Critical thinking and problem-solving are embedded and practiced across all content areas with lessons differentiated to meet the needs of every student.

Girl taking notes in class

Small Class Sizes

With a maximum of 12 students per class, teachers work directly with each child and provide constant encouragement.

Two boys working on a science project

Meaningful Community

Students and parents discover a community of support at Tampa Day School which creates a positive learning experience.

Three upper school students walking past lockers

“I just wanted to relay a conversation that I had with Liam on our car ride. I asked him how he liked it at TDS now that he has been here a while. His responses (abbreviated but basically his words): ‘I am learning so much more — we actually do social studies and science. I can actually ask questions and get answers. We do lots of fun things and people are more relaxed. And think I am actually smart for the first time.’ I almost cried. Thank you so much for what you do from two very very grateful parents.” 

— Tampa Day School Parent

12606 Henderson Road, Tampa, FL 33625

(813) 269-2100

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Searching for a private school serving children with mild learning differences in Tampa, FL?

Discover differentiated instruction, small classes, and meaningful community at Tampa Day School for Grades 3-8 by downloading a Parent Info Packet.

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Download My Parent Info Packet Now

Your child will thrive academically with a challenging curriculum and personalized instruction that engages each student’s unique learning styles.

Individualized Curriculum

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Open The Info Packet To Explore:

Our approach to education maximizes each student’s potential for success as they’re led by teachers who are devoted to their learning outcomes.

Incomparable Approach

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Your child will benefit from strong teacher-student relationships while at the same time developing positive friendships with peers along the way.

Impactful Relationships

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Fine arts, athletic activities, performing arts, technology programs, enriching field trips, and more will help your child discover their talents and passions.

Infinite Opportunities

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